5. refusheep


refusheep (n.) ('REF-yoo-sheep): Any overly cute animal that wanders into your home, institution, favourite coffee place or farm seeking shelter.

Refusheep are normally domesticated animals that have been forced to leave their previous dwelling-places due to natural disasters, cruel owners or the threat of being slaughtered for meat. Refusheep make for excellent pets, but even better sandwiches.


A: "Aww... Look at the poor thing. How could anyone turn a refusheep like that out?"
B: "I think it might have something to do with the amount of food it consumes just so it can look cute."

"That's it. If another refusheep tries to sample my dinner before I do, I'm throwing the whole menagerie out."

"I may be wrong but I don't think your uncanny imitation of a refusheep will stop the guys at the other side of the border from shooting you on sight."


The word refusheep is derived from the Black Sheep that creeps into a player's farm from time to time in the Facebook game FarmVille. Other similar refusheep include the much adored Ugly Duckling and the Lonely Cow. 

On encountering a refusheep in FarmVille, convention expects a player to inform all of his/her friends about the fact regardless of how interested they really are in a computer game that involves harvesting eggplants for a living.


Sandy said...

Nice! Although I am not a FarmVille player, I believe I understand what you mean.

Cabin-boy Dave said...

Oh, I'm sure anyone who's ever got an unsolicited FarmVille update on FB understands perfectly :P

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